Eugene was born in Australia in 1983. He then grew up in Lausanne, Switzerland. Son of an actor and stage director, he evolved in the creative industry from an early age. At fourteen, Eugene fell in love with cinema and turned towards a degree in Visual Arts at College. Over the years, he collaborated with directors such as Ursula Meier, Denis Rabaglia, Yves Yersin and Gianni Schneider. He worked on more than 20 short films and plays, 7 feature films and attended workshops namely with Sławomir Idziak and Ali Cherkaoui. He has also been commissioned to do commercial and corporate work.
Eugene was self-taught with 12 years when he moved to study directing at the Australian Film TV and Radio School (AFTRS) in Sydney in 2014. “Les fous sont saints d’esprit” (Mad men are wholly spirits) was his first professional short film as a writer/director. “Oedipus” and “Ataraxia” are the major works he achieved at AFTRS. In 2015, Eugene did an attachment with Denis Villeneuve on the feature film “Arrival” in Montreal, Canada. Particularly interested in the unconscious, he is in constant search for means of raising awareness about inner life and finding ways of sharing his experiences with soul-searching honesty. He is now developing a feature film while achieving a Master of Screen Arts at AFTRS. |